-This article appears in the Jan/Feb 2021 edition of the Pleasant Hill Outlook.

This is the third in a series of articles introducing Pleasant Hill’s Community Emergency Response Team (PH CERT) CERT Area Coordinators.
There are four CERT Areas in Pleasant Hill. Don Mayo manages the Southwest CERT Area.

Welcome, Don!

Q: What positions do you hold with Pleasant Hill CERT?

Don: I am the Southwest Area co-coordinator (with Jack Murphy). I am also a CERT Instructor for Fire
Safety, and a PH CERT Foundation Director.

Q: That’s a busy schedule! How long have you been with CERT?

Don: I’ve been a member for nine years and the Southwest Area co-coordinator for eight years.

Q: What are your duties as an area coordinator?

Don: I manage our CERT emergency cache (which holds supplies for responding to emergencies) and act as the Incident Co-Commander for our area.

Q: What is your favorite part of the job?

Don: Teaching new members.

Q: Tell us your big dream that would
make your CERT area soar to great heights?

Don: To develop a radio system that works city-wide!

Q: Any parting words?

Don: We need to develop an on-going refresher course that CERT members can access on-line.